The Lawrence Hall of Science
The public science center of the University of California, Berkeley.
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This animated series was produced with Computer Science faculty to help young people learn important ideas related to cyber security. Parents, educators, librarians and community leaders – please use these videos with youth in your homes, schools and youth orgs to support conversations about how to safely and smartly use the internet. Y ahora, el episodio uno está en español.
Taye and Flori get a text message about their favorite pizza – how did the pizza spot know they were hungry? THAT’S DATA! Plus, scroll down for the Spanish version.
Ahora en Español! Taye y Flori reciben un mensaje de texto que parece leerles la mente. ¿Cómo sabe la pizzería cuál es su ingrediente favorito? ¿Dejaron un rastro de datos? MIS DATOS lo desglosa y la música, las rimas y la animación lo hacen divertido para niños de 6 a 10 años.
Sabemos que no nos encargamos de traducir todos los gráficos del video al español, pero planeamos hacerlo mejor en futuros episodios ahora que hemos creado nuestro proceso. ¡Gracias, y siempre agradecemos sus comentarios!
Flori almost shares her private passwords with a weird game online. When can you TRUST?
It’s Taye’s birthday – the invite is amazing but there’s personal information on there like his home address. How can the band be PRIVACY SMART?
Taye and Flori are high school students and best friends, and they’re also electronic hip hop duo Tuff Pupil. After school, they make music about the technology and science they encounter in their lives that they think other kids should know about. Each 5 minute episode demystifies an everyday phenomenon—how your local pizzeria can predict your order, or how online radio seems to always play the song you were dying to hear.
Tuff Pupil introduces STEM topics that are essential to their lives: data science, contagion, climate disruption, clean energy and artificial intelligence. The stories support youth by raising awareness of key concepts that can become a STEM life skills toolbox for elementary students.
Download our one sheet.
A project of The Lawrence Hall of Science in collaboration with the Computer Science department at UC Berkeley. Together, we work to engage youth and communities with science, technology, engineering and math. We will be adding curriculum and episodes to spark conversations about many global STEM issues.
Key Content Areas:
Ages: 6 -10
Featuring the voices of Tommy Shepherd and Kaitlin McGaw of Alphabet Rockers.
This material is based upon work supported by the NSF/VMware Partnership on Edge Computing Data Infrastructure (ECDI) program under ECDI: Secure Fog Robotics Using the Global Data Plane, Award No. 1838833 and the VMware University Research Fund. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Sarah Lefton, Producer