Instructional Materials

The Lawrence Hall of Science provides a variety of instructional materials to help students learn and explore the world of science. Our materials are designed to engage students in hands-on activities, experiments, and projects that will help them develop critical thinking skills and gain a deeper understanding.

A child is constructing a project during the Toy Builders summer camp session and a teacher and student work on a separate project in the background.


Promote a life-long love of learning with engaging, inquiry-based instructional materials designed by leading educators at UC Berkeley. Learn more about our Amplify Science, FOSS, and SEPUP Curriculum.

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A student is using gene-editing in the Biotech Genetics Teen Research Program.

The Power of CRISPR

CRISPR is a powerful gene editing tool that has a myriad of potential applications from curing sickle cell disease to modifying crops to resist specific diseases. However, many ethical considerations […]

A student looks through a microscope

Exploring Biotech

The Lawrence’s Exploring Biotechnology program introduces middle schoolers to the powerful and locally relevant field of […]

Students walking outdoors in the forest during a science activity


All BEETLES (Better Environmental Education, Teaching, Learning & Expertise Sharing) resources are based on current research and understandings about how people learn, and tested by dozens of […]


Promote a life-long love of learning with engaging, inquiry-based instructional materials designed by leading educators at UC Berkeley.

A camper is writing observations from a science activity and two more campers are writing in the background
NGSS Aligned
Four students are building a model bridge during a Teen Research Program
Hands-On Science
Embedded Professional Learning
A woman asks a young girl about her knowledge of the deep ocean as part of an informal learning activity
Built From Scratch