Professional Learning Community

The Amplify Science Instructional Leaders Community of Practice

The Amplify Science Instructional Leaders Community of Practice (ILCP) is a place for Amplify Science instructional coaches and science coordinators from districts across the country to connect with each other through zero-cost and primarily virtual events.

A woman waves at her colleagues during a video call on her laptop

What to expect from our ILCP events

Our virtual events are interactive, participant-centered meetings where you spend a good portion of the time in breakout rooms getting to know job-alike colleagues as you discuss your science leadership successes and challenges. The events include share-outs, panels, and opportunities to create working groups. Members of the group also meet up face to face at NSTA two times per year!


Sessions are facilitated by the professional learning leads from the team at The Lawrence Hall of Science who developed Amplify Science.

Learn more!

To learn more, watch this short screencast of information that was included in our ILCP Launch Event.

Upcoming Events

The community gathers about once per month and you can join as your schedule allows — you don’t need to commit to attending the full series.

Hour-long virtual gatherings

Join us on Zoom for these interactive sessions with your colleagues: 

  • Thursday, September 26th from 9-10:30 am PT, 90 minute Launch Event
  • Thursday, October 24th from 9-10 am PT
  • Thursday, December 5th from 9-10 am PT
  • Thursday, January 23rd from 9-10 am PT
  • Thursday, February 27th from 9-10 am PT
  • Thursday, May 22nd from 9-10 am PT

Many valuable ideas and resources are shared in our gatherings, and joining us for one of our upcoming gatherings provides you access to what has been shared in previous gatherings. 

NSTA New Orleans happy hour

We plan to hold an in-person gathering at NSTA in New Orleans on November 7th. A number of ILCP members met up at the NSTA in Denver in March and had a wonderful time connecting “in real life”!

April Learning Event — Save the Date!

In addition to our one-hour gatherings, we will be holding a three-hour virtual Learning Event from 9 am-12 pm PT on Thursday, April 24th. We’ll spend this extended time together focused on leadership practices and tools that support the implementation of Amplify Science.

What our instructional leaders are saying about the ILCP

“I feel like I am walking away with validation and new ideas to try and implement.”

“High point: being around such a committed and passionate group of leaders who want our systems to improve.”

“The resources shared by fellow leaders were amazing!”

“Hearing perspectives from people all over the country helped to bring forward ideas for next school year.”

Amplify Science Instructional Leaders Facebook Group

Many (but not all) members of the community have also joined the Amplify Science Instructional Leaders Facebook Group; this is another place where you can ask and answer questions and share resources.

Join our community!

Support Provided By

The Lawrence Hall of Science University of California Berkeley
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