Additional Info

The cost includes ten hours of continuing education credits, a certificate of completion, and materials necessary to engage in the lessons for each session. Our community will meet every two months – so you have time to embed what you’ve learned and then bring examples to build on for the next session. 

The Community of Practice Schedule is below: 

September 21st – 1.5 hours focusing on active investigation and notebook foundations 

November 16th – 1.5 hours focusing on making sense of data and language development 

January 25th – 1.5 hours focusing on assessment and next-step strategies 

March 21st – 1.5 hours focusing synthesizing student thinking 

We hope you’ll join us to learn more about how to take science notebooks to the next level! 

Cost is $550 and includes registration at all four sessions, materials (will be sent to you), and a continuing education certificate upon completion of all four sessions. 

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