The Robert and Elizabeth Karplus Outdoor Nature Lab


Explore nature and connect with the various organisms that call our backyard "home," in this outdoor experience at The Lawrence.

Follow Your Curiosity

Follow wherever your curiosity takes you and get hands-on with the local flora and fauna. From birding with binoculars to observing the bees and other pollinators, you will learn about skills and tools that can help you observe nature anywhere there is a patch of green.


Chochenyo Plant Posts

In East Bay Ohlone culture, plants have their own personhood, personalities and gifts they bring into the world. Find special posts throughout the Outdoor Nature Lab to connect with some of these plants and learn their names in Chochenyo, the first language spoken in the East Bay. Tap your smartphone on top of the post or scan the QR codes in our card decks to learn even more about these special plants and how important they are to the Ohlone community.

A young visitor examines a flower up close with a hand lens

Flipping Through Nature

Follow your curiosity and explore the natural world at your own pace using our brand-new Flipping Through Nature activity decks in English or Spanish!  Grab a card deck and take your friends and family on a lark or an expedition; it’s all up to you. Explore flowers and leaves, write nature poetry, and more. Check out the activity card decks online!

A group of young people are observing nature using binoculars in the Outdoor Nature Lab

Birding Scavenger Hunt

Our fan-favorite Birding Scavenger Hunt is back and better than ever! Grab a scavenger hunt guide and put your bird-spotting skills to the test as you search for different birds hidden around our habitat. Learn about the feathered friends that call the Outdoor Nature Lab home!

Sensory Discovery Hunt

Let your senses be your guide as you discover the wonders of nature! Smell the difference between a lavender leaf and a sage leaf, feel a slimy slug or the hard exoskeleton of a roly-poly, listen for the call of a red-tailed hawk, and see the colors of the rainbow in flowers all around the Outdoor Nature Lab.

A child examines flowers using a yellow magnifying glass in the Outdoor Nature Lab.

Bug Exploration

Discover the tiny denizens of the Outdoor Nature Lab! Grab a bug cup and one of our Bug ID Guides and search for bug sites throughout our backyard to learn about our insect friends. Search for roly-polies, butterflies, and more under logs and perched on native plants.

Local Fauna

The Outdoor Nature Lab is a living ecosystem home to native plants and animals. Here are a few animals you might spot when exploring our backyard!

Anna's hummingbird

Anna’s hummingbird
(photo credit: Berkeley student Cleo Lu)

Western fence lizard

Western fence lizard

Acorn woodpecker

Acorn woodpecker
(photo credit: Berkeley student Cleo Lu)

Monarch butterfly

Monarch butterfly

Who are Robert and Elizabeth Karplus?

The Outdoor Nature Lab is named in honor of Robert & Elizabeth Karplus. Learn more about their legacy and connection to UC Berkeley and The Lawrence Hall of Science.


Sundays, 11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
Through August 13

Join us each Sunday this summer to create art using the power of the sun! Harness the power of UV light to create a collectible image that you can take home and share with family and friends.  Kits are also available to purchase in our Discovery Store during normal business hours, as well as our online store.

Plan Your Visit



Age 3+: $20

Kids under 2: FREE

Members: FREE

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3D Theater

$5 + Admission


$5 + Admission

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