How To Train Your Robot by Blooma Goldberg, Ken Goldberg, and Ashley Chase, illustrated by D. Clegg (with support from NSF and UC Berkeley’s Lawrence Hall of Science)

This engaging 24-page book for young readers tells the story of 4th graders who build a robot to clean up their Razzle-Dazzle Robot Club workshop. When it doesn’t work as expected, they visit their local university where they discover new research in Artificial Intelligence and robot learning. The book introduces readers to cutting-edge robotics and AI in a highly accessible way and models authentic engineering practices such as iterative design, testing, and learning through failure. With a diverse cast of characters and colorful, humorous illustrations, How to Train Your Robot will inspire girls and members of other under-represented groups to explore engineering, robotics, and coding for themselves.
Book with Free Download.
Featured in the IEEE Robot Gift Guide.
Selected for inclusion in the Amplify Science Digital Library accessible to over 5 million US students.
For more information please contact:
Ken Goldberg
William S. Floyd Jr. Distinguished Chair in Engineering, UC Berkeley
Industrial Engineering / Operations Research (IEOR) Dept.
Director, AUTOLAB and CITRIS “People and Robots” Initiative
Founding Member, Berkeley AI Research (BAIR) Lab
Joint Appointments: EECS, Art Practice, School of Information (UC Berkeley)
and Radiation Oncology (UC San Francisco Medical School).
425 Sutardja Dai Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720 | @Ken_Goldberg |