David Pearson, Ph.D.

Diagnosing the Argumentation Levels of Groups (DiALoG)

Professor David Pearson is currently the Evelyn Lois Corey Emeritus Professor of Instructional Science at UC Berkeley. In addition to serving as the Dean of the Graduate School of Education from 2001-2010, he spent 19 years working on curricula that integrates science and literacy with colleagues at the Lawrence Hall of Science. With degrees from UC Berkeley (BA in history) and Minnesota (PhD in education), Pearson’s agenda in retirement focuses on historical and policy-oriented essays about reading processes and pedagogy. A member of the National Academy of Education and the Reading Hall of Fame, an AERA Fellow, and the recipient of many awards, Professor Pearson taught elementary school in California for several years, and went on to complete his Ph.D. in Reading Education at the University of Minnesota.