Linda De Lucchi

Founder and Director
Full Optional Science System (FOSS)

Ms. De Lucchi is founder and co-director of the Full Optional Science System Project (FOSS K–8).  She has developed instructional materials in K–8 science education (FOSS), environmental education (OBIS), health education (HAP Project), and special education (SAVI/SELPH) for 45 years at the Lawrence Hall of Science.  In addition to curriculum development, Ms. De Lucchi has directed numerous teacher preparation projects, and has provided many tens of thousands of teacher-hours of science education in service at the site level, district level, and national-leadership level throughout the country and abroad (in Israel, Slovakia, The Czech Republic, Japan, and China).  She served as the co-director of the National Science Foundation funded Assessing Science Knowledge Project (ASK), as Chair of the Academic Planning Committee for the Lawrence, and was on the Board of Directors of the Center for Accessible Technology in Berkeley.  Ms. De Lucchi holds a bachelors degree in zoology from Pomona College, and a masters in zoology from the University of California.