Natalie Yakushiji

Curriculum Developer
Full Optional Science System (FOSS)

Ms. Yakushiji is a curriculum and professional developer for the Full Optional Science System Project (FOSS K–8) at the Lawrence Hall of Science.  She has been part of the FOSS team since 2008 developing instructional materials (investigations, technology, and assessment materials) in K–5 science education, providing teacher professional learning to schools and districts nationwide and internationally, and provides customer/teacher support for the project.  Prior to her work at FOSS, Ms. Yakushiji was the district science coordinator for Newark Unified School District where she facilitated work with the NSF-funded PS3 (Partnership for Student Success in Science) project.  Ms. Yakushiji has also served on two NSTA (National Science Teaching Association) program committees as Program Coordinator.  Ms. Yakushiji holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of California, Berkeley and an elementary teaching credential (with a science supplemental) from California State University, East Bay.