The Lawrence Hall of Science
The public science center of the University of California, Berkeley.
Open Wed-Sun 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Open Daily for Spring Break View Additional Hours >
We’ll bring our science programs to you.
We partner with school districts to support science learning. We offer district-wide elementary, middle, and high school programs, either virtually or in-person.
We collaborate with a range of partners to innovate in science education. Together, we go further.
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As part of the statewide California Science Project network, BASP provides high-quality professional learning for K-12 educators in the greater San Francisco Bay Area, to support and improve their teaching and their students’ learning science.
As part of the statewide California Science Project network, BASP provides high-quality professional learning for K-12 educators in the greater San Francisco Bay Area, to support and improve their teaching and their students’ learning science. BASP engages and collaborates with university scientists, teacher-leaders, and master teachers to lead Summer Institutes and monthly workshops that focus on strengthening science conceptual and content understanding, environmental/climate literacy, spatial literacy, systems thinking, project-based learning, teacher leadership, and cross-curricular integration. BASP’s work is grounded in research-based educational practices and supports the paradigm shifts needed for implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards. BASP is firmly committed to addressing racial, social, and environmental injustices through partnering and collaborative efforts with teachers, schools, districts, university, and both local and state science agencies.
BASP is leading an on-line professional learning community (PLC) that supports a group of middle and high school teachers to use the Understanding Global Change (UGC) resources to develop locally-relevant, phenomenon-based units. These units span science disciplines and include NGSS-aligned modeling practices guided by the Understanding Global Change instructional materials.
Collaborate with expert scientists and educators from the University of California, Berkeley to support the integration of climate and global change lessons into instructional units. We will use the Understanding Global Change framework to guide you in developing, supplementing or implementing curricula. The resources and methods shared will enhance your efforts!
Joanna Totino
Want to learn more about the sun and use engineering to solve problems? Join us for a free Hands-on Solar…
Enroll in a year-long online PL opportunity! Collaborate with expert scientists and educators from the University of California, Berkeley to support the integration of climate and global change lessons into instructional units. We will use the Understanding Global Change framework to guide you in developing, supplementing or implementing curricula.