The Lawrence Hall of Science
The public science center of the University of California, Berkeley.
Open Wed-Sun 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Open Daily for Spring Break View Additional Hours >
We’ll bring our science programs to you.
We partner with school districts to support science learning. We offer district-wide elementary, middle, and high school programs, either virtually or in-person.
We collaborate with a range of partners to innovate in science education. Together, we go further.
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What happens when you mix baking soda and vinegar in a gigantic test tube…and then try to contain it? What sub-zero substance has the ability to shrink an inflated balloon down to nothing, or even make a plant as delicate as glass? What is dry-ice and what does it do?! Discover the answer to these questions, and more, through the phase-changing, mind-bending world of solids, liquids, and gases!
Disciplinary Core Ideas:PS1.A Structure and Properties of Matter; PS1.B Chemical Reactions; PS3.B Conservation of Energy and Energy Transfer
Crosscutting Concepts:Energy and Matter; Cause and Effect
300 per session maximum
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