The Lawrence Hall of Science
The public science center of the University of California, Berkeley.
Open Wed-Sun 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Open Daily for Spring Break View Additional Hours >
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In this activity, learners get a closer look at the shape of a drop of water and a drop of oil. Learners first drip water onto wax paper and examine the shape of separate drops from a side view. Learners then drip oil onto wax paper to examine what shape each drop has and whether oil drops are like water drops or different. Finally learners drip colored water drops and oil drops onto wax paper together, mix oil and water in a container, and observe how the two fluids behave when they are in contact. Materials List:
Drop ShapePDF
Topics: Rivers, Lakes, Oceans & Water, The Scientific Process
Grade Level: Grades 1 - 8
Activity Type: Experiment/Lab Activity
Preparation Time: Under 5 minutes
Activity Time: 10 - 30 minutes
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