
Bee Builders

In this activity, learners make a model of a beehive using simple materials. In the process, learners discover that honeybees build their hives using wax from their bodies, shaped into 6-sided cells where honey and eggs are stored for protection. The “Did You Know” section details how many eggs a queen bee can lay in one day, and how scout bees tell others to find flowers.

Materials List:

  • Large, brown paper shopping bag

  • Cardboard egg carton (or two)

  • Yellow, dark brown, and white construction paper

  • Wax paper

  • Glue

  • Scissors

Preparation Time: 10 - 30 minutes

Activity Time: 45 - 60 minutes


Bee BuildersPDF


  • Nature & Environment
  • Ecology
  • Animals

Grade Level:

  • Grades 3 - 8

Activity Type:

  • Model
  • Arts/Crafts