The Lawrence Hall of Science
The public science center of the University of California, Berkeley.
Open Wed-Sun 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Open on Monday, Jan. 20 For MLK Jr. Day View Additional Hours >
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Earth is the only known planet to harbor life. Most life on Earth is microscopic, in the form of single-celled organisms with strange lifestyles and inhabiting extreme environments. By examining these microorganisms, we can identify unique characteristics that not only reveal information about their habitats on Earth but also help us search for life beyond our planet. In this presentation, we will explore the distinctive traits of microbes that could serve as clues in the search for extraterrestrial life and the study of ancient environments on Earth. This presentation will be entirely in Spanish. No registration is required.
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Dr. Fernando Medina Ferrer (he/him/his)
Microbiólogo UC Berkeley
El objetivo de Fernando es aportar experiencia desde areas establecidas de las ciencias de la vida, como la biología celular y la enzimología, hacia campos emergentes en la intersección de la biología, la química y la geología, para cerrar la brecha entre diferentes disciplinas científicas y permitir resolver preguntas relativas al pasado, presente y futuro impacto de la vida microbiana en la Tierra.
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