
Press + Media Contacts

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Sunstones at The Lawrence
July 21, 2014

Insights Into the International Field of Ocean Science

Associate Director of the Lawrence Hall of Science, Craig Strang, reflects on his recent trip to Tokyo, Japan: July 12,…

Children playing on the DNA sculpture at the Lawrence
June 20, 2014

High School Students Succeed at This Year’s Pioneers in Engineering Robotics Competition

The sixth annual Pioneers in Engineering (PiE) Robotics Competition was held on April 26 and 27 at the Lawrence Hall…

Two children and a staff member are working together during a science activity.
June 20, 2014

Remembering Dr. Alan J. Friedman

The Lawrence Hall of Science is saddened to learn that Dr. Alan Friedman, the founding director of our astronomy and…

The Lawrence Hall of Science
June 20, 2014

Summer Fun Days Bring Educational Amusement

The final bell rings, kids close their books with excitement, the sun shines brightly, and responsibilities vanish into the past….

The NASA Kepler Mission has discovered hundreds of exoplanets in our Solar System.
April 28, 2014

Explore Science and Art with the Kepler Art of Discovery Contest

Calling all crafty scientists! If you are a space artist, an astronomer, or simply a student interested in astronomy and…

Children playing on Pheena the Whale
April 28, 2014

Celebrate Earth Day at the Hall

While going through daily life, it is easy to take the planet we live on for granted. It’s simply there,…