Through the Looking Glass Pilot
Saturday 03/30/2024–04/07/2024
Spring Break at The Lawrence
Help us test a new activity for your future scientists aged 6 and under. Explore nature with various optical tools that can focus far beyond what our eyes typically see. Zoom in and zoom out with microscopes, periscopes, binoculars, and lenses carrying different magnifying powers. Which tools will you choose to help find what’s hidden in nature? The first hour each day (10:00–11:00 a.m.) is members only.
Open 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.
Members only 10:00–11:00 a.m
I Spy
How many animals can you find and where are they? Use your binoculars to find animals all around the room.
Birds of a Feather
Use a type of brush to comb through a feather and observe what changes occur through different tools. Take your observations and make a feather with yarn!
Animal Clues
Is this a rabbit, turtle, bird or snake? Search for animal clues under the leaves and sort it next to the animal you think it came from.
Tiny Things
How does a magnifier change how you see the world? Draw what you notice with and without using a magnifier and then compare both drawings.