
Exploring Nature with Magnifiers


Exploring Nature with Magnifiers

Magnifiers can support learners to directly engage with nature, look closely, and discover new worlds. Magnifiers can provide an immediate perspective shift and allow learners to see details they otherwise couldn’t see. This card deck walks learners through effectively using their magnifiers by finding the sweet spot—the distance to hold the lens between eye and object so the object comes into focus. It also encourages learners to say observations out loud, and share discoveries. Finally, this card deck embraces technology by encouraging learners to use the magnifiers they probably already have in their pockets—their phones!

Please note: Magnifiers can be dangerous if used to focus sunlight and start a fire. Be sure to provide clear boundaries to learners.

Self-guided activity, best for learners 6-years-old and older, or younger learners with adult support.

  • Hand lens or magnifier

Exploring Nature with Magnifiers card: Hold the magnifier near your eye. Then, move your head (and the magnifier) closer to your object until it's in focus. Photo example of like this and not like this.

Topics: Nature & Environment

Activity Type: Outdoor Activity

Language: Spanish, English