Archives: Events

Lawrence On-The-Go Educator showing children Benham's Disk
10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

The Lawrence at North Bay Science Discovery Day

Join Lawrence On-The-Go and over 70 other organizations to explore rockets and beehives, robots and sharks, catapults and hearts, animation,…

Picture of brooke smiley


Come check out brooke’s work and learn from her about sustainable architecture! See how brooke connects with the earth to…

Child interacting with the EKG monitor of the Pulse sculpture

Pulse Sculpture by Flaming Lotus Girls

Have you ever seen an 8-foot fiery human heart? Join the Flaming Lotus Girls for a temporary installation of their…

Sunstones at The Lawrence
1:00 p.m.–2:30 p.m.

Supporting Scientific Argumentation Skills in Elementary Science Students

A fundamental aspect of science learning is sharing your thinking and reasoning by articulating how evidence supports or refutes your…

Children playing on the DNA sculpture at the Lawrence
8:30 a.m.–9:10 a.m. EST

ottoy Initiative: Repairing Past Harm Through Partnership and Collaboration

Traditional ecological knowledge and native ways of knowing are often ignored or tokenized in many EE contexts, often in fear…

Two children and a staff member are working together during a science activity.
1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m. EST

Environmental Literacy Implementation in and Out of California TK–12 Classrooms

Through a survey with 1,080 educators, this study aimed to understand the extent to which environmental literacy is being implemented…