A review of augmented reality for informal science learning: Supporting design of intergenerational group learning

By Salina Yun, Sarah Olsen, Kathryn Quigley, Matthew A. Cannady and Ardice Hartry

Designing for and facilitating intergenerational group learning is an important objective of informal science institutions as most visitors in those settings engage with scientific thinking in the context of a group. New, deeply engaging, and interactive technologies such augmented reality (AR) have been shown to have positive outcomes in educational settings, but their implications have yet to be investigated for the purpose of intergenerational group learning design. This literature review investigates AR exhibit designs through the lens of PISEC’s seven intergenerational group learning principles. After identifying 10 AR exhibits designed for intergenerational group interactions through a systematic review process, we analyzed the challenges and affordances of AR for each exhibit using an adapted framework of PISEC’s learning design principles. We present these design guidelines for AR intergenerational group learning to provide researchers and exhibit designers in ISIs with strategies to foster better learning, interaction, and engagement for intergenerational group learning.

Recommended Citation:
Yun, S.T., Olsen, S.K., Quigley, K.C., Cannady, M.A., Hartry, A. (2022). A review of augmented reality for informal science learning: Supporting design of intergenerational group learning. Visitor Studies.

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Year: 2022


  • Augmented Reality
  • Intergenerational Group Learning
  • Science Learning

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