Past Programs & Projects

Sunstones at The Lawrence

Planetarium Activities for Successful Shows (PASS)

In each PASS planetarium show, visitors participate in observations, experiments, and discussion in order to experience science as exciting, understandable, and to leave with feelings of accomplishment.

Students are climbing the DNA Structure at The Lawrence

Practicum Academy to Improve Science Education (PRACTISE)

Argumentation is one of the most complex science practices both for students to learn and for teachers to learn to teach, yet it is a high-leverage practice that cuts across all content areas and builds students’ critical thinking skills. The PRACTISE project developed and researched an effective model of professional learning to support the development of teachers’ pedagogical skills to teach scientific argumentation.

A teacher is writing on a clipboard in a classroom

Professional Learning Science and Literacy Academies

Science and Literacy Integration through Professional Learning Academies Since 2002, the Lawrence Hall of Science has provided teacher professional learning Science…


Global Systems Science

Global Systems Science (GSS) is a set of curriculum materials designed for secondary schools. It focuses on societal issues that require science and systems approaches for full understanding. Twelve books, teacher guides, and software can support a 1- to 2-year integrated science course or supplement existing biology, physics, chemistry, Earth science, and environmental science courses.

Children playing on the DNA sculpture at the Lawrence


Great Explorations in Math & Science (GEMS) activities were tested in thousands of classrooms nationwide. More than 70 GEMS Teacher’s Guides and Handbooks offer supplementary learning experiences for preschool through 8th grade.

Learning is an active process: four teachers are standing together discussing this topic on a poster

Reflecting on Practice™

Reflecting on Practice™ is a professional learning program meticulously designed to build participants’ understanding of, experiences with, and integration of best practices in informal science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) learning environments.