Explorará cómo una nueva generación de satélites está mejorando simultáneamente la cartografía del agua, las predicciones climáticas y los esfuerzos…
En esta charla hablaré de cómo las ranas venenosas son capaces de realizar esta asombrosa hazaña sin intoxicarse, con algunos…
La Tierra es el único planeta conocido que alberga vida. La mayor parte de la vida en la Tierra es…
Join us for the Climate Adaptation Science Fair at KQED’s new headquarters in San Francisco. Discover how we can adapt…
What happens when a song gets stuck in your head? Why do we like certain melodies and not others? Why…
Join The Lawrence On-The-Go at the East Bay’s largest street festival! The Solano Stroll is chock full of art vendors,…
Enjoy hours of interactive science activities, music, guest speakers, delicious food, and more.
September’s theme is Engineering Encounters. Find our booth to design, build, and test your creations and put your engineering skills…
This vibrant festival brings over 100,000 people together to enjoy music, food, and activities, paying homage to the dead. Visit…
Héctor García Martín, físico, compartirá cómo su laboratorio utiliza tecnologías avanzadas para hacer que las nuevas soluciones sean más predecibles,…
La música está en todas partes. En una fiesta, en la calle, en nuestro cuerpo, en nuestra mente. Por eso…
Siempre ha sido un objetivo de la ciencia medir las dimensiones más pequeñas y con la resolución más rápida para…
Join Lawrence On-The-Go and over 70 other organizations to explore rockets and beehives, robots and sharks, catapults and hearts, animation,…
Bring your positivity and join The Lawrence On-The-Go at Oakland’s 7th annual Black Joy Parade!
The Lawrence On-The-Go will bring hands-on science discovery to the 6th annual Tri-Valley Innovation Fair!
Indoor air quality—the air quality within and around homes, buildings, and other structures—affects our health and comfort just as outdoor…
Have you ever wondered about the indigenous traditions of Berkeley and the East Bay? Join us on Thursday, November 16…
Catch Lawrence On-the-Go at Scientific Adventures for Girls’ STEAM night: Planet Protectors. Build a terrarium, learn about pollinators, become a…
El trabajo de Héctor consiste en secuestrar el ribosoma, haciéndolo capaz de ensamblar bloques de construcción que no son aminoácidos…
Explore everyday science at Science@Stockmen’s Park, a free monthly outdoor event for children ages three and up, teens, and adults.…
August’s virtual lecture is all about earthquakes! Join Dr. Sarina Patel from UC Berkeley’s Seismology Lab and Dr. Floriana Petrone…
Join Lawrence On-the-Go for a fun Saturday STEM Fair with Kits Cubed, an organization based in Oakland dedicated to igniting…
Celebrate the 10th anniversary of Oakland First Fridays with Science at Cal and The Lawrence On The Go! Explore the…
Lithium is an essential element in energy-dense batteries and is a key ingredient for a low carbon future, but we…
Rock out with science and celebrate the opening of our brand-new exhibition, Making Music: Math and Science Out Loud!
Las ranas venenosas de la fresa son anfibios diminutos que podrían caber en la uña de tu pulgar. En Centroamérica,…
Want to learn more about the sun and use engineering to solve problems? Join us for a free Hands-on Solar…
Do you think you could live on another planet? In this program you will blast off into cutting-edge science as…
This August, California announced groundbreaking plans to phase out the production of traditional gas-powered cars by 2035. Reports show that,…
Join The Lawrence On-The-Go at the annual North Bay Science Discovery Day in Santa Rosa! Children, teens, and families are…
Join Science at Cal, The Lawrence On-The-Go, and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory at the Fruitvale Posada Community Event.
Experience hands-on science in Oakland’s Fruitvale neighborhood with Science at Cal and The Lawrence On-The-Go team in celebration of Dia de…
Con más de 1400 especies, los murciélagos poseen adaptaciones únicas entre los mamíferos, como una longevidad inusual, una respuesta inmune…
Humans have a lot to learn from the other animals who share the Earth—some have innate abilities and senses that…
Looking for something to do with your family on their day off from school? The Lawrence has you covered with…
While we might be most familiar with rattlesnakes, black widows, and poison frogs (oh my!), toxins are produced or acquired…
Grounds for Science presents Illuminating the Brain: How light, color, and a jellyfish protein help us study the mind and…
Nuestro planeta Tierra es como una cebolla: está hecho de capas. Algunas son sólidas, otras líquidas, y están hechas de…
At this month’s Midday Science Cafe, we’ll take a star-studded intergalactic journey to see some of the universe’s hottest and…
Meet & greet Cal scientists, participate in hands-on science activities, and enjoy over a mile of FREE family fun at…
Exactly two years ago, before the new Netflix documentary series, “How to Change your Mind” premiered, the UC Berkeley Center…
Explore everyday science at Science@Stockmen’s Park, a free, accessible monthly outdoor event for children, teens, and adults. As part of…
Si diriges un haz de luz a la mano, no se siente mucho, salvo un poco de calor. Pero si…
As scientists continuously hunt for novel approaches to combat our energy crisis, the field of materials science has secured a…
In this lecture, Dr. Hany Farid will discuss the online disinformation landscape and what interventions are available. He will also…
This month’s First Fridays theme is “Family Fun,” and Science at Cal, The Lawrence On-The-Go, and Berkeley Lab are coming…
Por 3500 millones de años organismos vivos diminutos llamados microbios han transformado el planeta. Hoy tenemos mejor ciencia para estudiar…
This month’s Midday Science Cafe features two scientists putting the gene-editing tool, CRISPR, to work for the good of the…
Explore everyday science at Science@Stockmen’s Park, a free, accessible monthly outdoor event for children, teens, and adults. As part of…
Recent advances in sequencing DNA have opened up new opportunities to use genetic data to improve our understanding of human…
Antes de haberse mudado a Estados Unidos, Andrea Naranjo Soledad, estudiante de doctorado en la Universidad de California, Berkeley, vivió…
Join us at the Hayward Community Family Fair for food, fun, and plenty of resources for learning!
Hydrogen gas plays an important role in the future of clean energy with the potential to replace fossil fuels for…
How are new medicines discovered and developed? How can universities help create products that truly benefit patients? How do the…
Back in person for 2022, this beloved science festival aims to spark children’s wonder and curiosity for science, technology, engineering,…
Combine reading, art, and science with Science at Cal and The Lawrence Hall of Science at the Bay Area Book…