The Lawrence Hall of Science
The public science center of the University of California, Berkeley.
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Help fight viruses by building model antibodies. Learners use Duplo bricks to build antibodies with shapes that match model viruses. Facilitators can discuss with learners how the viruses that cause diseases have different shapes on their surfaces and that our body responds to infection by making antibodies with matching shapes that attach to and deactivate the virus. Learners are exposed to the foundations of the immune system while gaining practice solving increasingly complex spatial reasoning challenges. Materials List:
Antibody Builder - SignPDF
Antibody Builder - Immunity PamphletPDF
Antibody Builder - Facilitator GuidePDF
Antibody Builder - Sign - SpanishPDF
Antibody Builder - Immunity Pamphlet - SpanishPDF
Antibody Builder - Facilitator Guide - SpanishPDF
Topics: Biology, Human Body, Medicine, Science & Society
Grade Level: PreK+
Activity Type: Model
Language: Spanish, English
These activities were designed to build vaccine confidence among families with young children who are considering the COVID-19 vaccine. The materials were developed in partnership with UC Berkeley’s Health Research for Action center as well as educators and families affiliated with Bay Area Community Resources in and around Antioch, CA.
This project was funded as part of the Communities for Immunity initiative led by the Association of Science and Technology Centers and the American Alliance of Museums. With support from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and the Institute of Museum and Library Services, Communities for Immunity supports museums and libraries working to increase vaccine confidence among vaccine-hesitant communities.
You can visit the Dept. of Health & Human Services We Can Do This initiative’s website for information and resources about COVID-19 vaccinations for children ages 5 and up, including Frequently Asked Questions From Parents/Guardians About COVID-19 and the Vaccines.
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